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Il y a des vidéos intéressants sur Youtube, dans la section : AUTISM RECOVERY, afin de voir des témoignages de parents qui ont pratiquement guérit leur enfant de l’Autisme.



C’est à la librairie  BIOSFAIRE  située au 4571 rue St-Denis Montréal, Qc. H2J-2L4    Tél ; 514.985.2467 que vous trouverez la plupart des livres suggérés ci-dessous



-Céline Arsenault,  Soins à mon enfant, “ Éditions le Dauphin Blanc, Québec, Canada. ISBN 2-89436-100-9, 391p  *****

-Dr Françoise Berthoud, Mon enfant et les vaccins, Des informations essentielles pour protéger la santé de vos enfants, Les cahiers de l’Ecole Santé-Soleil – No 6, 1994, 127p,

-Dr Christian Tal Schaller,   Vaccins : l’avis d’un médecin holistique.  Dossier parents: je ne vaccine pas mon enfant, quels sont les risques?, Testez éditions, 2006, 128p,

-Groupe médical de rélexions sur les vaccins, Vaccination, pour un choix personalisé.  Suisse.

-Dr Mayer Eisenstein, Dont’ vaccinate before you educateHomefirst healt services, Chicago

-Michel Georget, Vaccinations – Les vérités indésirables , Dangles,2005, 384p,

-Robert Sears M.D., The Vaccine Book, Little Brown&Compagny, 2007

-Nancy Appleton, Rethinking Pasteur’s Germ TheoryHow To Maintain Your Optimal Health, Frog Ltd., 2002, 202p,



-Evelyne Claessens, L’autisme n’est pas irréversible, Québec, Groupe Étidions , éditeurs, 2009, Tel:514.461.1385

Jenny McCarthy. Louder Than Words : A Mother’s Journey in Healing Autism.



Monique Morin, VaccinsDocteure Maman en a assez!,Covivia,2006,168p

-Dr Jean Méric, Vaccinations, je ne serai plus complice!Polio – B.C.G. – Tétanos – R.O.R. – Hépatite – … Danger. Marco Pietteur, 2004-05, 224p,

-Dr François Choffat, Vaccinations, le droit de choisir, Jouvence, 2001-02, 191p,



-Marie Christine Dépreaux,  Autisme, une fatalité génétique Enquête d’une mère, 2007,  ISBN 2-87461-035-6 *****

-Eric Giacometti, La santé publique en otageLes scandales du vaccin contre l’hépatite B, Albin Michel, 2001-01-03, 219p,*****

-David Kirby, Evidence of harmMercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy, St. Martin’s Press, 2005, 480p, *****

-Harris L. Coulter, Barbara Loe Fisher, A Shot in the DarkWhy the P in DPT vaccination may be hazardous to your child’s health, Avery Publishing, 1991, 246p, *****

-Gary Matsumoto, Vaccine A , The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing our Soldiers – And Why GI’s Are Only the First Victims, Basic Books, 2004, 384p,*****



-Yves-Marie Bercé, Le chaudron et la lancette, Croyances populaires et médecine préventive, 1798-1830, Presses de la Renaissance, 1984, 336p,

-Collectif, Annales de démographie historique 1997, Epidémies et populationsEpidémies et populations, Odile Jacob, 1998-02, 224p,

-Dr Eric Ancelet, Pour en finir avec PasteurUn siècle de mystification scientifique – 3e édition – Avec CD audio de 60′, Marco Pietteur, 2005, 270p,

-Elizabeth W. Etheridge, Sentinel for HealthA History of the Centers for Disease Control, University of California Press, 1992, 384p,

-Norbert Gualde Épidémies, la nouvelle carte,DescléedeBrouwer,2002,238p

-Dr Paul Offit, The Cutter IncidentHow America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis, Yale, 2005, 240p,

-Arthur M. Silverstein, Pure Politics & Impure Science, The Swine Flu Affair, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981, 176p, 

-Catherine J.M. Diodati (MA), Immunization History, Ethics, Law and HealthIntegral Aspects Inc., 1999-09, 312p,

Dr. Gerhard Buchwald (M.D.), The Decline of Tuberculosis despite « Protective » Vaccination, 2004,

-Harris L. Coulter, Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality, The Medical Assault on the American Brain, North Atlantic Books, 1990, 300p,



-Debbie Bookchin, Jim Schumaker, The Virus and the Vaccine, The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, A Contaminated Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed, H. B. Fenn, 2004, 380p,

-Harold E. Buttram, Dangers of Immunization, Philosophical Publishing, 1983-11,

-Harold E. Buttram (M.D.), John Chriss Hoffman, Vaccinations and Immune Malfunction, Third Edition, Philosophical Publishing, 1985,

-Leon Chaitow, Vaccination and ImmunisationDangers, Delusions & Alternatives (What Every Parent Should Know), C.W. Daniel, 1998, 198p,

-Dr Paul Chavanon, La guerre microbienne est commencée (B.C.G., etc…), Les français devant les vingt familles, Dangles, 1950, 197p,

-Dr Paul-Émile Chèvrefils, Les vaccins: racket et poisons?Extrait du 4ième congrès International Charleroi, 26 au 28 juillet 1885, Ligue Universelle des Antivaccinateurs, Des Neiges, 1965, 157p,

-Dr Paul-Émile Chèvrefils, La vraie face de la médecineLa pratique médicale et ses trois principes de base, Ed des Neiges, 1965, 159p,

-Collectif, sous la direction de Paul Lannoye: Ph. Autrive, G. Buchwald, J. Clements, B. Dunbar, K. Gaublomme, M. Georget, L. Hessel, K. Hoppenbrouwers, P. Lannoye, D. Miedico, P. Shattock, Les vaccinations en questionFrison Roche, 2003-01-09, 184p,

-Curtis Cost, Vaccines are DangerousA Warning to the Black Community, A & B Publishing Group,

-Cynthia Cournoyer, What About Immunizations?, Exposing the Vaccin Philosophy – A parent’s guide to the vaccination decision, Nelson’s Book, 1995, 207p,

-Dr Yves Couzigou, Phobie des microbes et manie vaccinaleVie et Action – « Le petit livre blanc de la santé; 29 » – Naturazur, 1992, 73p,

-Dr Louis de Brouwer (M.D), Nous sommes tous des cobayesL’imposture de la biologie et de la médecine, Guy Trédaniel, 2000, 305p,

-Dr Louis de Brouwer (M.D.), Vaccination: erreur médicale du siècleDangers et conséquences, Louise Courteau éditrice, 1997-03, 271p,

-Fernand Delarue, L’intoxication vaccinaleSeuil, 1977, 256p,

-Simone Delarue, Objection de conscience aux vaccinationsConférence donnée au Larzac en mai 1991, Ligue nationale pour la liberté des vaccinations, 1991, 13p,

-Simone Delarue, La Rançon des vaccinations, 8e édition, Ligue Nationale pour la liberté des vaccinations, 1989, 121p,

-Simone Delarue, Le tétanosCarnet pratique – 5e édition, Ligue Nationale pour la liberté des vaccinations, 1986, 40p,

-Simone Delarue, Vaccination/protection: Mythe ou réalité?, Ligue Nationale pour la Liberté des Vaccinations, 1992, 207p,

-Simone Delarue, Les vaccinations dans la vie quotidienne, Guide pratique – 8e édition, Ligue nationale pour la liberté des vaccinations, 1991, 24p,

-Simone Delarue, What Price Vaccinations?, 122p,

-Raymond Dextreit, Des vaccinations… pourquoi?Vivre en Harmonie, 1971, 85p,

-Dr Bruno Donatini, Les vaccinations, Les risques – Vos besoins – Vos droits, M.I.F. Médecine Information Formation, 1998-09, 320p,,

-Dr Jean Elmiger, La médecine retrouvée, Les ambitions nouvelles de l’homéopathie – 2e édition, revue et corrigée, Ed d’Auteur, Lausanne, 1985, 285p,

-Dr Marc Emily, Les microbes sont-ils vraiment nos ennemis?, Les microbes dans leurs rapports avec les organismes et les maladies qui les atteignent, Le François, 1966, 140p,

-Dr Marcel Ferru (Professeur honoraire de clinique médicale infantile)La faillite du BCG,Témoignages d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, à compte d’auteur, 1977, 274p,

-Tom Finn (Attorney), Dangers of Compulsory Vaccinations, How to Avoid Them Legally,Family Fitness Press, New Port Richey, Florida, 1988, 53p,

-Jean-Pierre Joseph, Vaccins, mais alors on nous aurait menti ?Ils sont inefficaces, nous rendent malades, détruisent notre immunité naturelle, mais…ils sont obligatoires., Vivez Soleil, 2002, 159p,

-Maître Jean-Pierre Joseph, préface par le Dr Christian Tal Schaller, Vaccins: l’avis d’un avocat, On nous aurait menti? Ne pas vacciner tout en respectant la loi: mode d’emploi, Testez éditions, 2006, 128p,

-Tim O’Shea, The Sanctity of Human BloodVaccination I$ Not Immunization – 9th Edition – 325 references, Two Trees, 2005, 188p,



-Textes et dessins de René Bickel, Les chemins de la souveraineté individuelleRené Bickel, 2005, 160p,

-Textes et dessins de René Bickel, Le malade enchaînéLibérons-nous de nos chaînes, René Bickel, 2003-03, 136p,

-Textes et dessins de René Bickel, Vaccination: la grande illusionRené Bickel, 2004, 128p,



-Jean-Jacques Bertrand, Pr. Pierre Saliou avec la collaboration de Bernard Seytre,Les sentinelles de la vieLe monde des vaccins / Sommes-nous prêts à vacciner la planète ?, Albin Michel, 2006, 222p,

-Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Anne-Marie Moulin, L’aventure de la vaccinationFayard, 1996, 450p,



Déjà plusieurs articles sont en lien voir : LIEN CAUSAL & SCIENCE


Ci-après je vous propose des études scientifiques qui posent la question d’un lien causal entre la vaccination et  les effets secondaires. 

Abeyagunawardena, A. S., et. al., Risk of relapse after meningococcal C conjugate vaccine in nephrotic syndrome. Lancet (North American edition) v. 362 (August 9 2003) p. 449-50

Adhiyaman, V., et. al., Effects of yellow fever vaccination. Lancet (North American edition) v. 358 no. 9296 (December 1 2001) p. 1907-9

Ahmad, K. Fury after children’s adverse reaction to Japenese encephalitis vaccine. Lancet (North American edition) v. 360 no. 9330 (August 3 2002) p. 395

Anan, A. India: unhealthy immunisation programme. Lancet (North American edition) v. 341 (May 29 1993) p. 1402-3

Arness, M. K., et. al., Myopericarditis following Smallpox Vaccination. American Journal of Epidemiology v. 160 no. 7 (O 1 2004) p. 642-51

Barlow, W. E., et. al., The risk of seizures after receipt of whole-cell pertussis or measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 345 no. 9 (August 30 2001) p. 656-61

Bohus, M., et. al., Myelitis after immunisation against tick-borne encephalitis. Lancet (North American edition) v. 342 (July 24 1993) p. 239-40

Bonnlander, H., et. al., Complications of BCG vaccinations in rural Haiti. American Journal of Public Health v. 83 (April 1993) p. 583-5

Boriskin, Y. S., et. al., Mumps virus variants in heterogeneous mumps vaccine. Lancet (North American edition) v. 341 (January 30 1993) p. 318-19

Brezin, A. P., et. al., Visual loss and eosinophilia after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet (North American edition) v. 342 (August 28 1993) p. 563-4

Brown, B., et. al., Inactivated poliovirus vaccine and vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. JAMA v. 277 (January 22-29 1997) p. 295

Chan, R. C., et. al., Hepatitis and death following vaccination with 17D-204 yellow fever vaccine. Lancet (North American edition) v. 358 no. 9276 (July 14 2001) p. 121-2

Chen, R. T., et. al., Myocarditis: the unexpected return of smallpox vaccine adverse events. Lancet (North American edition) v. 362 (October 25 2003) p. 1345-6

Dalakas, M. C., et. al., Intramuscular injections and vaccine-associated poliomyelitis. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 333 (July 6 1995) p. 62-4

De Serres, G., et. al., Recurrence Risk of Oculorespiratory Syndrome After Influenza Vaccination: Randomized Controlled Trial of Previously Affected Persons. Archives of Internal Medicine v. 164 no. 20 (November 8 2004) p. 2266-72

Dilraj, A., et. al., Sex difference in measles fatality after introduction of new measles vaccine. Lancet (North American edition) v. 343 (May 28 1994) p. 1366-7

Durand de Bousingen, D. Drug firm compensates patients for suspected hepatitis B vaccine failure. Lancet (North American edition) v. 357 no. 9268 (May 19 2001) p. 1598

Vestergaard, M., et. al., MMR Vaccination and Febrile Seizures: Evaluation of Susceptible Subgroups and Long-term Prognosis. JAMA v. 292 no. 3 (July 21 2004) p. 351-7

Fenichel, G. M. Nystagmus after vaccination. JAMA v. 257 (February 13 1987) p. 844

Finsterer, J., et. al., Cavernous sinus syndrome due to vaccination-induced giant cell arteritis. Archives of Internal Medicine v. 161 no. 7 (April 9 2001) p. 1008-9

Fulginiti, V. A. Risks of Smallpox Vaccination [Discussion of Thomas R. Talbot and others, Focal and generalized folliculitis following smallpox vaccination among vaccinia-naive recipients]. JAMA v. 290 no. 11 (September 17 2003) p. 1452

Gale, J. L., et. al., Risk of serious acute neurological illness after immunization with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine: a population-based case-control study. JAMA v. 271 (January 5 1994) p. 37-41

Gandon, S., et. al., Imperfect vaccines and the evolution of pathogen virulence. Nature v. 414 no. 6865 (December 13 2001) p. 751-5

Garenne, M. Effect of Edmonston-Zagreb high-titre vaccine on nutritional status. Lancet (North American edition) v. 344 (July 23 1994) p. 261-2

Gay, N., et. al., Rotavirus vaccination and intussusception. Lancet (North American edition) v. 354 no. 9182 (September 11 1999) p. 956 http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/rotavirus/vac-rotashield-historical.htm

Geier, D., et. al., The true story of pertussis vaccination: a sordid legacy?. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences v. 57 no. 3 (July 2002) p. 249-84

Geier, D., et. al., An evaluation of serious neurological disorders following immunization: a comparison of whole-cell pertussis and acellular pertussis vaccinesJournal Received 3 June 2003;  Revised 15 August 2003;  accepted 28 August 2003 Copyright © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Gorecki, D. C., et. al., The dangers of DNA vaccination. Nature Medicine v. 5 no. 2 (February 99) p. 126

Guzman, J. R., et. al., Threat of dengue haemorrhagic fever after yellow fever vaccination. Lancet (North American edition) v. 349 (June 21 1997) p. 1841

Halsell, J. S., et. al., Myopericarditis Following Smallpox Vaccination Among Vaccinia-Naive US Military Personnel. JAMA v. 289 no. 24 (June 25 2003) p. 3283-9

Howson, C. P., et. al., Adverse events following pertussis and rubella vaccines: summary of a report of the Institute of Medicine. JAMA v. 267 (January 15 1992) p. 392-6

Gay, N., et. al., Rotavirus vaccination and intussusception. Lancet (North American edition) v. 354 no. 9182 (September 11 1999) p. 956 Geier, D., et. al., The true story of pertussis vaccination: a sordid legacy?. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences v. 57 no. 3 (July 2002) p. 249-84

Geier, D., et. al., An evaluation of serious neurological disorders following immunization: a comparison of whole-cell pertussis and acellular pertussis vaccinesJournal Received 3 June 2003;  Revised 15 August 2003;  accepted 28 August 2003 Copyright © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Guzman, J. R., et. al., Threat of dengue haemorrhagic fever after yellow fever vaccination. Lancet (North American edition) v. 349 (June 21 1997) p. 1841

Halsell, J. S., et. al., Myopericarditis Following Smallpox Vaccination Among Vaccinia-Naive US Military Personnel. JAMA v. 289 no. 24 (June 25 2003) p. 3283-9

Howson, C. P., et. al., Adverse events following pertussis and rubella vaccines: summary of a report of the Institute of Medicine. JAMA v. 267 (January 15 1992) p. 392-6

Innis, M. D., et. al., Simian virus 40-contaminated polio vaccine and cancer rates. JAMA v. 280 no. 17 (November 4 1998) p. 1481-2

Ion-Nedelcu, N., et. al., Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis and HIV infection. Lancet (North American edition) v. 343 (January 1 1994) p. 51-2

Ki, M., et. al., Risk Analysis of Aseptic Meningitis after Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Korean Children by’ Using a Case-Crossover Design. American Journal of Epidemiology v. 157 no. 2 (January 15 2003) p. 158-65

Kinnunen, E., et. al., Nationwide oral poliovirus vaccination campaign and the incidence of Guillain-Barre syndrome. American Journal of Epidemiology v. 147 (January 1 1998) p. 69-73

Kirchner, J. T. Characteristics of syncope occurring after vaccinations. American Family Physician v. 56 (October 1 1997) p. 1463+

Levine, C. When all benefit from immunization, who should pay for harms?. The Hastings Center Report v. 14 (June 1984) p. 2

Levitsky, L. L. Childhood Immunizations and Chronic Illness. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 350 no. 14 (April 1 2004) p. 1380-2

Li, S. T., et. al., Intussusception and Oral Poliovirus Vaccination: Is There an Association?. American Journal of Epidemiology v. 160 no. 6 (September 15 2004) p. 576-81

Lilic, D., et. al., Liver dysfunction and DNA antibodies after hepatitis B vaccination. Lancet (North American edition) v. 344 (November 5 1994) p. 1292-3

Lloyd-Puryear, M. A., et. al., Should the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program be expanded to cover adults?. Public Health Reports v. 113 no. 3 (May/June 1998) p. 236-42

Loder, N. UK ignored BSE vaccine advice, inquiry told. Nature v. 400 no. 6743 (July 29 1999) p. 389

McCarthy, M. Rotavirus vaccine put on hold in USA after intussusception reports. Lancet (North American edition) v. 354 no. 9175 (July 24 1999) p. 309

McCarthy, M. Adverse events and childhood vaccines. Lancet (North American edition) v. 342 (September 25 1993) p. 798

Mathieu, E., et. al., Cryoglobulinemia after hepatitis B vaccination. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 335 (August 1 1996) p. 355

Meyboom, R. H. B., et. al., Thrombocytopenia reported in association with hepatitis B and A vaccines. Lancet (North American edition) v. 345 (June 24 1995) p. 1638

Mermel, L., et. al., Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 329 (September 9 1993) p. 810-11

Morantz, C. A. CDC Releases Guidelines for Treating Adverse Reactions to Smallpox Vaccination. American Family Physician v. 67 no. 8 (April 15 2003) p. 1827, 1829-30, 1833-4

Murphy, J. G., et. al., Eosinophilic-lymphocytic myocarditis after smallpox vaccination. Lancet (North American edition) v. 362 (October 25 2003) p. 1378-80

Murphy, T. V., et. al., Intussusception among infants given an oral rotavirus vaccine. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 344 no. 8 (February 22 2001) p. 564-72

Mutsch, M., et. al., Use of the Inactivated Intranasal Influenza Vaccine and the Risk of Bell’s Palsy in Switzerland. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 350 no. 9 (February 26 2004) p. 896-903

Nass, M. Safety of the Smallpox Vaccine Among Military Recipients [Response to Jeffrey S. Halsell and others, Myopericarditis following smallpox vaccination among vaccinia-naive U.S. military personnel; and John D. Grabenstein and William Winkenwerder, U.S. military smallpox vaccination program experience]. JAMA v. 290 no. 16 (October 22-29 2003) p. 2123-4

Nass, M. The anthrax vaccine program: an analysis of the CDC’s recommendations for vaccine use. American Journal of Public Health v. 92 no. 5 (May 2002) p. 715-21

Nichol, K. L. Revaccination of high-risk adults with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine [editorial]. JAMA v. 281 no. 3 (January 20 1999) p. 280-1

Nightingale, S. L. New reporting requirements for vaccine adverse effects. JAMA v. 259 (May 13 1988) p. 2653

Nightingale, S. L. New system for reporting of vaccine adverse events. JAMA v. 264 (December 12 1990) p. 2863

Nkowane, B. M., et. al., Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis; United States: 1973 through 1984. JAMA v. 257 (March 13 1987) p. 1335-40

Noble, H. B. 3 suits say Lyme vaccine caused severe arthritis. New York Times (Late New York Edition) (June 13 2000) p. F6

Plesner, A. M., et. al., Neurological complications and Japanese encephalitis vaccination. Lancet (North American edition) v. 348 (July 20 1996) p. 202-3

Poulin, P., et. al., Thrombocytopenic purpura after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet (North American edition) v. 344 (November 5 1994) p. 1293

Rimland, B., et. al., Association Between Thimerosal-Containing Vaccine and Autism [Discussion of Anders Hviid and others]. JAMA v. 291 no. 2 (January 14 2004) p. 180-1

Ropper, A. H., et. al., Influenza vaccination and the Guillain-Barre syndrome. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 339 no. 25 (December 17 1998) p. 1845-6

Rubins, K., et. al., Progression of the Lesion at the Site of Inoculation after Smallpox Vaccination [Images in clinical medicine]. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 348 no. 5 (January 30 2003) p. 414

Salerno, M. C., et. al., What does the national childhood vaccine injury act require of nurses?. American Journal of Nursing v. 88 (July 1988) p. 1019-20

Sansom, S. L., et. al., Rotavirus vaccine and intussusception: how much risk will parents in the United States accept to obtain vaccine benefits?. American Journal of Epidemiology v. 154 no. 11 (December 1 2001) p. 1077-85

Salisbury, D. M. Association between oral poliovaccine and Guillain-Barre syndrome?. Lancet (North American edition) v. 351 no. 9096 (January 10 1998) p. 79-80

Senior, K. « Imperfect » vaccines may encourage more potent pathogens, model suggests. Lancet (North American edition) v. 358 no. 9298 (December 15 2001) p. 2055

Smeeth, L., et. al., Risk of Myocardial Infarction and Stroke after Acute Infection or Vaccination. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 351 no. 25 (December 16 2004) p. 2611-18

Spitzer, W. O., et. al., Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism [Discussion of K. M. Madsen and others, A population-based study of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination and autism, and of Campion, Suspicions about the safety of vaccines]. The New England Journal of Medicine v. 348 no. 10 (March 6 2003) p. 951-4

Stephenson, J. Smallpox Vaccine Program Launched Amid Concerns Raised by Expert Panel, Unions. JAMA v. 289 no. 6 (February 12 2003) p. 685-6

Sun, M. Vaccine compensation proposals abound on Capitol Hill [childhood vaccines]. Science v. 233 (July 25 1986) p. 415

Suzuki, H., et. al., Rotavirus vaccine put on hold. Lancet (North American edition) v. 354 no. 9187 (October 16 1999) p. 1390



2 Responses to xRéférence

  1. Luc B. dit :

    Bravo pour votre site qui éclaire ceux qui cherchent la lumière dans ces ténèbres de la pseudo-science.


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